Ritika Shah


Work of Typographer

Typography is the art of arranging letters and text such that the reader can read it accurately and appreciate it visually. The latin and Devnagri Calligraphy were the founding stone for the studio. Later on we experienced designing our own fonts for calligrams. The letterform were further expressed digitally using Adobe Software for creating pattern. Along with this I learnt the importance of layout and how a print media in made. The studio had various exercises that contributed to the formation of the project. My final project was about analyzing people's mood and helping them accept it called Mood Wagon 

Report Content

Basic Stokes and Latin Calligraphy

Devnagri Calligraphy and Shlok Composition

Expressive Words and Quotes Composition

Composition using Initials

Transformation of Letterforms

Architectural Glory Of Ahmedabad

Mood Wagon - An Interactive Exhibtion

Process for the planning of the Exhibition

Activities present inside the exhibition space

Final products and its details