Ira Mathur


PBSS - Inventory Management

In Service Operations and Management Studio, the focus has been on optimum utilisation of resources, ranging from finance, hard infrastructure, soft infrastructure etc. Inventory management plays a key role in operationalising the PBS machinery effectively as it has direct impact on availability of bicycles which in turn dictates the ridership in the city. Therefore, particular emphasis has been laid on understanding and application of correct management tools in each component of inventory management so as to have a streamlined flow of available bicycles at each dock in the city.

Report Content

Understanding the importance of Public Bike Sharing System, and its evolution in Ahmedabad city

Analyzing what constitutes as Inventory in a service system, importance of inventory management and the current constituents of PBSS inventory

Elements of a Gross Cost Contract (GCC), and the various contracts bundles proposed in this arrangement

Breaking down the process of current workshop systems to identify "wastes" or Mudas in the process

Proposed Workshop locations, and components of a Lean Workshop

Process flow in a Lean Workshop and benefits of the same

Inventory Procurement cycle with specifications

Inventory Procurement cycle with specifications

Establishing Key Performance Indicators to ensure streamlined flow of processes and a system of evaluation and monitoring

Establishing Key Performance Indicators to ensure streamlined flow of processes and a system of evaluation and monitoring