Dave Pinal Darshan


PBSS - Operations & Maintenance

The adoption of Public Bike Sharing Systems has increased significantly on a global scale. This studio addresses the operational and strategic aspects of managing PBSS in India as well as on strategies, management of available human resources and utilisation of assets at maximum capacity. A wide range of tools, techniques, and methods related to the operations and maintenance in order to increase ridership through improved service quality has been incorporated in all aspects. A successful implementation of Public Bicycle Sharing System requires meticulous operations and maintenance. 

Report Content

Introduction to Public Bike Sharing System.

Introduction to types of maintenance in Service Operations.

Survey visualization of Users and Non – Users.

Exiting scenario of PBSS in Ahmedabad.

Root cause analysis and literature review of the system.

Proposed procurement model.

GPS based smart card intervention.

User based Rebalancing System method.

Implementation of Monitoring Mechanism.

Service Level Agreements & KPIs for SPV.