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  • UR3003
  • Juxtaposing Two Mahalaxmi's | Duality Se Equity Tak

Riva Dhaval Shah


Juxtaposing Two Mahalaxmi's | Duality Se Equity Tak

Mumbai or ‘The Dual City’ is one of the world's largest urban centers and most densely populated cities. However, with an intense migrant influx came crowding which led to a socio-spatial disparity in different socio-economic groups that were thus created, leading to congestion, lack of public open spaces, poor infrastructure, a deeply disturbed ecology, and many other issues that the government of the city was unable to tackle through its policies and regulations. 
The project focuses on comparing Mahalaxmi and how its built fabric forms under two sets of regulations, created individually and already existing ones, and analyzing the difference.

Report Content

Chronomatrix - History of Mumbai

Site Analysis - Mahalaxmi

Understanding the Site | Manifesto


Problematization | Strategy

Master Plan | Free - Constraint Comparative Matrix

Urban Condition 01 | FREE

Urban Condition | CONSTRAINT

Urban Condition 01 - Free - Constraint Comparative Matrix

Principles | Approach