Rajput Rohan Singh


Plumbing Design of School at Bhopal

The main aim of the plumbing design studio is to plan and design economical and sustainable plumbing services. This studio is divided into 4 parts. Firstly we began with house plumbing which focuses on different plumbing fixtures in our household. Then for the second part , everyone was assigned with a special topic. The main part of the studio was plumbing design of a assigned project in which i was allotted with a school in the city of Bhopal. The last part was making of 1:1 working model with three different proposals.

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House Plumbing for our own house

Water supply system for buildings greater than 300M

Site description, population count and water requirement for school at Bhopal

Water flow chart, tank sizing and rainfall calculation for site school at Bhopal

Water balance table, water supply fixture units and duct layout for site school at Bhopal

Water supply layout and looping at terrace level

Schematic diagram and pump sizing for site school at Bhopal

Drainage fixture units and drainage layout for duct 3

IC manhole layout , cost calculation and views from revit

Working model

Project Video