Riya Sanjay Pai



Decoding Vulnerabilities of the Theatre of Trade from the perspective of gender bias. I am the ‘Router’. I studied the routine by protocol and practice of the visitors and staff. My target casing helped me question the gender inclination of the building and possibly neutralizing the bias. To strategically approach this topic, I would 1.Investigate the gender bias of the building through the gender of materials based on the algorithm generated by Hannah Rosenberg. 2.Spaces that have a binary approach towards gender – (change rooms, washrooms, screening areas) 3.Gaze in space. Through my Heist I would neutralize the aspects that foster a bias towards a particular gender and rectify the details /elements that are hazardous/unsafe/accident prone. (+)

Report Content

Neighborhood Heist and Process

Case Studies and Learnings

Library Case Report

Library Heist and Circuit Map

Theater of Trade Case Report - Router

Theater of Trade Process Drawings

Vulnerability Map and Vulnerable Elements

Heist Map and Neutralization Strategies

Snippets from the Router's Sketchbook - Reflections and Process Work