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  • Harmonic Alchemy: Material Narratives, Da Vinci Dreams

Kurle Simit Mahesh


Harmonic Alchemy: Material Narratives, Da Vinci Dreams

Embarking on the journey of interior design is a captivating exploration that transcends the boundaries of the expected and challenges the conventional notions of spatiality. In this multifaceted design project, to delve into the realms of tectonic materiality, immersive experiences, and meticulous detailing, unravelling the intricate layers that shape the identity of a space. These three roles serve as chapters in a narrative of creativity, innovation, and thoughtful design. These chapters slowly unravelled themselves resulting in complete creative freedom in the last chapter. Role 3 acted as a blank canvas to explore creativity. Together, these roles encapsulate the essence of interior design a dynamic interplay of creativity, functionality, and meaning. 

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Design Boot Camp

Matrices and Hypothesis

Role 1:Historic Era

Role 1:Historic Era

Role 2:Standard Modern Practices

Role 2:Standard Modern Practices

Role 2:Standard Modern Practices

Role 3:Identity

Role 3:Identity

Role 3:Identity

Project Video