
Faculty: Erroll Pires | Shubhra Singh

TA: Adarsh Roodkee

Braids of Joy (Craft of Camel Belt making utilizing Ply-Split Braiding)

By capturing and imbibing the nuances of various embodied aspects, holistically, the studio aims to provide a hands-on opportunity to the students to explore the mystery and potential of the technique associated with a rare craft tradition.
Ply-Split Braiding is a non-loom technique from the desert regions of Rajasthan and Gujarat traditionally used for making camel belts. Whilst the original use is on decline, a new generation of makers is finding innovative purposes for the technique and its expressive potential both in India and internationally. The technique is kept alive, shared and celebrated for nearly 4 decades by Erroll Pires Nelson; the celebration continues, now along with Shubhra.
Students will first be instructed in every aspect of the craft including its history, cultural, spiritual, geographical significance as well as learning about material selection, braiding methods along with the exploration of its expressive potential.

Studio Unit

LEARNING THE BASICS: Nature of Materials (forms, qualities, possibilities, transformations)

INTRODUCING BRAIDS: Nature of the Technique/Structures (forms, qualities, possibilities, transformations)

DECODING BRAIDS: Nature of Transitions (forms, qualities, possibilities, transformations)

EXPLORING WITH BRAIDS: Materials, Structures, Transitions, Transformations

STUDIO ACTIVITIES: Observing, Analyzing, Practicing, Documenting, Finding, Creating, Applying and more