Kale Harshang Tushar


Drag Along - Gardener's Seat

In an institution certain user groups tend to spend considerable amount of their time in the outdoors performing their duties. One such act of maintaining green spaces in an Institution involves long hours of outdoor activities for the gardeners. To maintain such green spaces, involves the use of wide range of hand tools, horticulture machinery and powered hand tools, such as lawn mowers, strimmers, hedge cutters etc. Also the physicality in carrying out activities like soil cultivation, digging, forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, bed preparation and planting, Lawn maintenance etc demands being competent, physically fit and able enough to do hard manual labour.
The given scenario creates an opportunity to intervene in designing a product or a system, which works as an aid in performing routine tasks like preparing soil for planting, forking, raking and weeding .
 The products, the materials, the processes and the practices adopted, should have minimum negative impact on the environment.   

Report Content

Case Study(Group Work)-Process -User Research- Conceptualization- Models-Mock Ups.

Technical Drawings