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  • AT4002
  • Sports Area - Tectonic Assembly to Tectonic Expression

Hardik Arora


Sports Area - Tectonic Assembly to Tectonic Expression

“Kernform” (core form)and “Kunstform” (art form) informs two different, yet integrated elements of design as a composition. This method involves seeing the Architectural Experience as a form of composition of systems formed out of material exploration through the medium of structural tectonic assembly. This studio explored this concept for a sports arena program.Through this studio, a holistic idea of how structure and material tectonics play an important role in sculpting out the expression was developed. Details including program development to concept explorations were rendered with an in depth understanding of structural assemblies and their tessellation. 

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Matrix 1 - Case Study and Details (Selected Columns) For details, refer additional work

Matrix 2 - Program Relationship Study and Details (Selected Columns) For details, refer additional work

Tessellation explorations of chosen case study after detailed program and structural Analysis. Exploring 5 Tessellation based on geometrical and structural explorations, Curved grid frame slab system was chosen and detailed. (Selected Tessellation details)

Site Study and Mapping

Master Plan Layout

Plan and System Assembly Details

External Wall Section and Roofing Part Details (Drawing Part 2)

Section Details and Junctions

Views of the Detailed Multi-Sports Block

Physical Model - Tessellation and Sports Arena