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  • Between Layered Volumes | Art meets Technology

Anamika Gupta


Between Layered Volumes | Art meets Technology

The project derives volumes by layering the site's perceptual and physical elements. The derived volumes are further used as overlaps to create individual envelopes for each digital artwork, creating multiple environments. These spaces branch out from a continuous ramp piercing through the site at various levels, denoting the different branches of digital art. Derived from the parameter of proximity, each envelope overlaps, intersects, or stands isolated, creating the ideal volume for each interaction between a visitor and artwork.

Report Content

Extracting Parameters from Nature’s object

Parameters from Site | Art | Programme

Parameters from Art

Parameters from Site and Art overlapped

Parameters for space planning and materials

Design drawings

Design drawings

Design drawings and views

Design details and model documentation

Exploded drawing showing composition of space

Project Video