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  • ID4032
  • Odyssey of Light - Celebrating the Enigma of 'Ruins'

Rohit Garabadu


Odyssey of Light - Celebrating the Enigma of 'Ruins'

The Diu Fort has a history. One is a chronicled, textual history; another, the story of its materiality, volume and geography of the ‘RUINS’. This mysterious essence of the ‘Ruins’ is captured by Light to which would allow people to meander in the space, physically and mentally, all the while staying engaged with the space. A program for this space as an Art Exhibition brings in the ‘temporariness’ which programmatically contrast the Ruins in the backdrop. These systems of dimension - less lighting is combined with modular and assembly-based interior elements to create the interior language of each space, which can be changed as per requirements. 

Report Content

Site Attributes and Daylight Analysis

Design Development - Site parameters and Lighting Intent

Lighting Synthesis - Experimenting with Light

Site Plan and Lighting scheme

Room 1 - Light as a 'Silhouette'

Room 2 - Light in an 'Axis'

Room 3 - Light as a 'Beacon'

Room 5,6,7 - Light in 'Intimacy' and Light as a 'Surge'

Room 8 - Light in 'Fragments'

Room 9 - Light as a 'Haunting'