
Faculty: Neel Naik

Interior Architecture in Cinema: Investigating the symbiotic relation between two art forms

The practice of interior design for permanent spaces and the creation of temporary spaces for film have many instances of convergence because both can remodel the space and make
it functional for its user.
The cinematic space is greatly influenced by interior architecture or interior design, and the
act of generating spatial narratives is central to cinema. The elements of space design or
decoration are inextricably linked to the narrative of the story being presented as well as
the development of each individual character. The moving image in cinema can direct
people through spaces, engage their responsiveness and divert their attention. Movies
would be impossible to imagine without a setting that confines the characters in time and
place. Interior Design is a vital component in filmmaking since it is a visual medium
concerned with the development of spatial narratives.
The cinema has the ability to take us to the world of fantasy through appropriate set design
and the use of props, furniture, lighting, and so on. Thus, the space used in a film both influences the plot and provides us a picture of what lies beyond the frame. A study of these
cinematic environments can help us understand the role of interior design in the
construction of cinematic spaces as well as the psychological influence of these settings on
the viewer and its overall contribution to storytelling.