
Faculty: Shamik Desai

Building Services…. can Make or Break the Project

Through this DRP, the students will study: a)     Fire incidents in heritage structures across the globe. Causes for Fire and consequences thereof including damage to heritage properties shall be analyzed. b)    the requirements of users in extreme cold climate for space heating as well as hot water and systems being used. -  Assess requirements of services for given project(s) based on building programme, purpose, functions, geographical location, metrological data, site characteristics etc. -  Based on code of design, determine Fire hazard category, prepare Design basis and carryout load calculations for Fire protection system, -  Prepare design basis, perform load calculations, determine capacities and carryout technical and commercial evaluation of options for selection of systems, -  Make appropriate space planning in master plot plan and buildings for installation, operation & maintenance of Fire protection Systems and Heating systems respectively. -  Develop discipline and conscious approach towards design of Fire Protection system for heritage structure.