Deciphering Organization Principles I & II

B1 B2

The exercise introduces the students to various rules of organization, from linear, radial, and cluster, to central, grid, and axis. They initially rehearse their understanding making use of objects in their immediate environment, with which they re-create these rules of organization during a time problem. Then, they work with plans and elevations or sections of three categories of buildings, to show the organizational principle of each. This was the students’ first encounter with a plan and started the process of learning how to read one. 

After being introduced to rules of composition like rhythm/repetition, emphasis/contrast, balance, harmony, direction/movement, and hierarchy, the students undertake a similar process of identifying these in their environment. In their environment, they identify and photograph various rules of organization, either apparent or latent level, and present these along with the rules. Drawing on the first two parts of the exercise, the culmination consists of developing the layout for any one month of a calendar, which they also bring to bear their understanding of one rule of perception