Afnan Ashraf



The project explores the interplay between time, space, and emotional balance, focusing on how external pressures shape internal landscapes. Here the prison as a spatial typology, is defined by strict temporal boundaries and stark contrasts of light and darkness, influencing perception and emotion. It reflects how these extreme spaces create "atmospheres" that deeply impact the mind. 
The work examines form-making as a process integrating memory, spatiality, and materiality, highlighting the dynamic relationship between interior and exterior. It also investigates analog and digital tools as extensions of the mind and hand, creating forms that emerge from a balance of intuition and rational thought. Through this process, the project emphasizes the connection between thought and action. Spatial experiences are seen as layered, evolving volumes, where each fold contributes to the overall transformation.

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01. Metamorphosis as an approach to Form Making -In form-making this refers to a transformative approach where forms evolve through a sequence of gradual or dynamic changes, influenced by movement, material behavior, and contextual interactions.

02. Phenomenological Study of Surface and Form - The exercise engages with a phenomenological and immersive exploration of Hussain Doshi Gufa. Sketching serves as a means to observe and extract subjective interpretations of the Gufa’s surfaces.

03. Nesting - Exploring through digital methods, the exercise delves into the notion of scale, proportion and surface transformation in composite assemblages.

04. RE-PAIR - Gufa serves as the site and foundation for the form study, where selected areas within and around the structure are identified for potential interventions.

Grammar Index - BONE / SWIRL / Integrated Structural System - Foundation.

05. Atmospheres ; the Lighthouse project. Form and Surface exploration through sketching and model making.

Formulating the Index of Experiences through analogue and digital modes, arriving at a spatial narrative.

Geometry of Form Finding and Form Making.

Orthographic representation of Atmospheres.

Scaled model explorations.