Patel Manav Kunjanbhai



The daycare center aims to provide a nurturing, stimulating, and aesthetically inspiring environment for 8 to 10 children. The design has drawn inspiration from Le Corbusier’s architectural principles, emphasizing functionality, spatial fluidity, and the honest expression of materials. This daycare center fullfills every requirement which a child needs .Reinforced cement concrete (RCC) will serve as the primary material, ensuring durability, versatility, and a modern aesthetic. This day care center compliance with child safety regulations as per Indian Standards

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Introduction to site of final project.

Case study 1 overview and rendered architectural drawings

Structural Drawings of casestudy.

Overview and architectural working drawings of final projecr.

Architectural rendered drawings of Daycare center.

Structural Drawings with all the details.

Calculations of wall and slab.

Calculations of foundation and beams.

3D rendered views of the daycare center.

Intial photos of scaled RCC model which was later casted with Micro concrete.