Anushree Ashish Velankar


The Spiral Orchard

A spiralling pavillion at Dang, the combination of various modules gives it the appearance of a small grove of trees, blending into its surrounding teak forest. This pavillion was inspired by the bubble net feeding behaviour seen in humpback whales where a herd of whales move in a spiral motion underwater while slowly rising towards the surface and releasing bubbles at intervals. The main principles behind the design were to create light, cantilevering masts that relied on each other for support and strength through common members. There are additional tension cables to stabilise the structure from the top. 

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2D Abstraction

3D Abstraction


Case Study 1: Madrid Barajas Airport

Case Study 2: Pompejus Watchtower


Isometric view of Pavillion

Plan at Scale 1:100

Elevation at Scale 1:100

Final Model