Vimal Raj


The SpringWalk - Pedestrian Bridge

The Springwalk is a bamboo arch bridge, conceived from the study of the sprightly springbok deer. The form was evolved through progressive stages of abstraction of the springbok's intriguing anatomy and diverse behavioral movements. This form was then adapted to and tailored for the site in Dang. The idea was to craft a novel and unique architectural encounter, preserving the essence of the initial topic. This resulted in a structure that arches over the valley, offering captivating vistas of the lush surrounding landscape.

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2D Abstraction Diagrams

3D Abstraction Models

3D Models Placed on Site & Midsem Iterations of Bridge

Case Study 1 - Kansai International Airport

Case Study 2 - Millennium Bridge

Form Exploration and Resolution

Final Drawings - Exploded Axonometric and Plan View

Final Drawings - Bird's Eye View and Side Elevation

Final Model Photographs