Ruchika Sharma


Places & Stories

This portfolio showcases academic work done in the foundation studio for Architectural History & Theory. It spans two projects, i.e., Sultana's Dream: A visual exercise that aimed at re-creating scenes from a classic text in the context of Amdavad; and "Home Grounds: Domestic Floorings of Mandvi Ni Pol through the Ages" which is a composite (7000 word essay, complete with relevant visuals) based on the domestic history of "Mandvi Ni Pol", the oldest settlement in the walled city.  

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Sultana's Dream: A basic description and insight into the visuals.

Visuals based in the city of Ahmedabad, relating to segments across the story; Ladyland(Above) and Educated women (Below)

Visuals based in the city of Ahmedabad, relating to segments across the story; Mardana: men take the indoors.(Above) and Men stay indoors after the battle (Below)

Floorings of Mandvi Ni Pol: A brief description of how domestic architecture can be studied through material evidences; and how these material evidences govern various other socio-cultural practices, norms and standards.

Sample images from the initial field visits and experiences.

Sorting the images on the basis of construction technique, location, material and age in an attempt to conjecture a material based timeline.

Image indicating the steps to develop a narrative: a ind-map made up of the onsite observations, the Inferences and the larger picture connections of these inferences.

What the final product looks like.

Snippet from the essay about how flooring can indicate territoriality, and aesthetic choices.

Snippet from the essay about how flooring can act as an area demarcating element.