Gautami Menon


a place to PAUSE, a form to WANDER around

A visitor's center in the city of Ahmedabad that is designed through a systems approach - where the systems determine the articulation of form. Conceptualizing through systems allows to engage with the materiality and tectonics of architecture in a more articulated manner. This process is not just about creating buildings; it's about crafting experiences. By embracing a holistic approach to design that prioritizes integration, innovation, and materiality, we were able to transcend the constraints of traditional architectural practice and create spaces that inspire, delight, and endure.

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Case Study Analysis- Church of Holy Redemeer, By Ar. Fernando Menis

Case Study Analysis- Church of Holy Redemeer, By Ar. Fernando Menis

Time Problem - Exploring variations in forms through variations in systems

Studio Project - Step 1 - Parti Diagrams & System Matrix

Studio Project - Step 2 - First Take on system integration in form

Studio Project - Step 3 - Second Take on system integration - Anatomy Diagrams & Masterplan with site section

Studio Project - Step 4 - Stereotomic and Tectonic plans & sections; Exploded isometric explaining systems

Studio Project - Step 5 - Activity Plan & Section

Studio Project - Step 6 - Wall Section Detail

Studio Project - Model Documentation