Mahale Pradnya Pramod



Terratales is a visitor center proposed on the Eastern bank of the Sabarmati River, adjacent to Atal Bridge. It gains its unique form through curated process of understanding systems through case studies and partu diagrams. The form perfectly expresses the intent of making a strong, rooted space in site which thorugh its scale merges with the surrounding. The site also has a subtle slope connecting lower and upper promenades which helps to break the linerity and monotony in the exisitng activites along site. The buildings siting on slopes are connected by a single pathway that directs the users to the building.

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Case Study_Stadelhofen Railway Station_Group Work

Time Problem_Group Work

Site analysis and Aspiration statement

Figure and Ground parti diagrams

System evolution and Matrix of systems

Exploded view explaining system and Anatomy diagrams of system

Planning and Stereotomic - Tectonic system drawings

Activity Mapping_Library buillding

Wall section and roof details

Concept sketches, Site model and Views