Nakshatra Rajeev Punjabi


Endless Edges : Eco - Wellness Retreat

The following project has developed as a blended exploration of the given site and programme. Situated in an alluring landscape; tree covered hills of Mandu, the centre aims to be that of wellness, well-being and mindfulness by allowing the users to immerse themselves in nature. Inspired to a certain degree by the idea of ecotherapy, the centre aids one’s healing journey by engulfing them in trees. To realise the above, the core idea of the project is to blur the boundaries between the built and unbuilt. The key concept developed to achieve the same is that the spaces develop and wrap around the existing trees on site. Essentially, the blurring of boundaries has manifested through the composition of spaces while the structure and materiality are contrasting to the same.

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Pilot exercise

Visiting and Documenting Darya Khan's Mosque, Mandu

Studying the Building and developing a Diary of Attitudes

Testing the Attitudes

Summarising the attitudes | Examining cross relationships

Site | Design brief | Narrative

The Idea | Design Process

Views | Section AA' | Section BB'

Views | Section CC' | Sectional Perspective DD'

Model | Plans at different levels