
Faculty: Ramesh Patel | Vishal Joshi

TA: Chanda Patel

Mettle of Metal - Steel

Steel-one of those modern construction materials awaiting its exploration to fullest potentials. Opportunity it offers to span large areas, create column free spaces and construct high rise structures, is tremendous. In this studio, students will undertake research on determining properties of Steel and later use them to create their own expression or architectural design intervention considering various forms and types of steel as core material. The process will require students to:
1. Undertake a survey to document various types of members undefined sections available in the market
2. Explore the possibility to use outcomes of study as probable choices for vertical and horizontal structural use, opening, slab and roofing, etc.
3. Conceptualize and address design problem based on above study
4. Translate decisions to detailed drawings for stairs, windows, skylights, slab, etc.
5. Prepare physical scaled models, digital model and walkthrough
Final outcome as a combination of report and detailed drawings and scaled models

Studio Unit




