
Faculty: Anuj Anjaria | Muntaha Rushnaiwala

TA: Mehlam Makda

Space Kinematics

In today’s global context, with the ever-increasing complexities and nuances of – climate, culture, heritage, urban identity, - some amongst the numerous factors that a practice responds to, how do we begin to approach and grapple with this from an academic standpoint? It is then only appropriate that the relevance of architectural studios be questioned, for architecture has the power to transform and be transformed by its context.
In this light, Space kinematics falls at the intersection of innovation and preservation. It focuses on a special kind of dynamic space, where the built form itself movesundefinedshiftsundefinedmorphs and thereby transforms the spatial qualities - a space made by kinetic elements lending a unique experience and solution to several contextual issues. It is here that material, technology and mechanics meld with site context and its socio-cultural fabric. Kinetics goes beyond being just a mere tool, to become a discipline that facilitates space making and the resultant production of interventions that earnestly attempt to navigate all these complexities.