Patel Diya Daxeshbhai


Carving out Emotions

 This studio project pushes boundaries, asking people to think differently. Each task explores tiny details that are important but usually ignored in design. The goal is to discover your personality through creativity, trying new things, and being innovative. Each job is a chance to explore new areas, paying close attention to things that might seem ordinary. In the end, this project helps you learn about yourself, showing you can approach design and exploration in your unique way. 

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Explore the wonders of paper! This panel shows how we can make chairs and tall towers using only paper. Let's get creative and discover all the amazing things we can do with this versatile material.

This exercise is all about the surprising journey of transforming one frame into another. It's about finding the unique twists and turns in the process, where each step offers a glimpse of its own magic. Ultimately, it's a reminder that every beginning holds the potential for infinite endings.

This exercise highlights how one architectural form can serve different purposes like playgrounds, residential areas, and commercial spaces, each with its own unique identity. Despite sharing the same form, each building displays distinct character and function, showcasing the creative potential in design adaptation.

This panel showcases photos of physical models of playgrounds, residential spaces, and working space.

This panel unveils the graphics and journey behind a temporary vertical city.

This panel showcases the site plan of the city.

This panel showcases both the map and front view, offering a comprehensive glimpse of the structure from all angles.

This panel presents an axonometric view alongside a section, providing a multi-dimensional exploration of the structure.

This panel zooms in on specific details while aiming to convey the overall experience of the entire location.

This panel showcases different views of the physical model.

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