Patel Dhruv Sanjaykumar



The objective of this project is to develop a retail store for musical instruments. Yamaha Music Waves Retail Store embodies harmony through design. Symmetry guides its layout, creating a balanced and inviting space. Curvilinear forms flow seamlessly, echoing the fluidity of music itself. The store's interior resembles a race track, where customers effortlessly navigate through displays and experiences. The main aim is to do space planning and working drawings for the store by resolving construction joineries of flooring, ceilings, and display units. For additional work, click on "YAMAHA".

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Site Analysis & Brand Development

Concept Development and Layout Iteration

Furniture Layout

Flooring Plan and Reflected Ceiling Plan with Details

Elevation And Sections

Display Iterations And Floor Display Drawing

Floor Display Drawing

Exploded Isometric of Floor Display And Signage

Floor Display Model

Exploded Store View & Renders