
Faculty: Naandi Parikh

Codes and Compliance in Retail Design

Physical impairment is a universal condition that everyone encounters at some stage in
their lives. Individuals of many demographics can be classified as disabled, including
children, senior citizens, parents utilizing baby strollers, and individuals with impaired limbs.
Hence, it is imperative to ensure that one's retail outlet is easily accessible to individuals
with disabilities. When it comes to accessibility for individuals with disabilities, it must be
devoid of obstacles and tailored to accommodate the needs of all individuals equally.
Retail enterprises should aim to provide more than just accessibility. They must exert further
effort to ensure hospitality for individuals with disabilities. Therefore, it is necessary to
create and construct a manual tailored explicitly for Indian Retail Design businesses and
Indian Retailers. Every corporation, irrespective of its magnitude, has a legal obligation to
offer reasonable accommodations in order to ensure universal access to their products
or services. Improving the accessibility of your company or organization will facilitate a

greater number of individuals to access and derive advantages from your services,
leading to increased income.
Reasonable alterations refer to modifications that are appropriate to the size and
conditions of your firm; accessibility does not always require significant expenses. By
transitioning your mindset from a sense of duty, such as "Do I have a duty to do this?", to
one of potentiality, such as "What are the feasible courses of action I can pursue?", you
can achieve the most substantial outcomes.
This study aims to develop a comprehensive manual on Indian Retail Standards in
for designers while designing a space.