
Faculty: Jinal Shah

TA: Darshi Kapadia

Expeditions in Digital Technologies

We are living in a world of constant transformation. The exploration and application of emerging technologies and digital fabrication processes have opened new realms of possibilities for design expressions. In recent times, computational workflows, integrated with - computational tools for design iterations, immersive techniques for design experience, and additive manufacturing for construction, have gained momentum. The course intends to explore this integrated design pedagogy to evolve an ‘iterate, immerse, and build’ framework and further deploy it to build a product/furniture. The course will equip students with skills in coding, virtual/augmented reality, and digital fabrication to design, develop, analyze, resolve, and construct scaled prototypes. It will be divided into three modules – Exploration, Application, and Making with each module focused on developing different digital, analytical, immersive, and hands–on learning skills.

Studio Unit


Form Exploration Week 1 - 4

Form Development : Week 5 - 9

Form Resolution : Week 10 - 14

Form Execution : Week 15 - 16