Kavya Sabin


Tale of Tiles : Marble Migration

This game, as any good puzzle should, helps improve focus, makes you brush up on your problem solving ability, hand-eye coordination and other motor skills and soft skills; And that’s only the part which is informed by the computationally thought and tried set of algorithms to produce multiple pathways with limited variability in the type of components belonging to puzzle, to ease the manufacturing process. Coming to the benefits this project derives from being made in ceramic : The pleasant sounds that come from the marble hitting the track and the soothing yet playfully inviting colors of the glaze. The aim of the project was to create a puzzle which can be moved around to create multiple solutions from a start point (the home) to the finish, which once created allows you to bring out your inner child and race a marble down this track back to your childhood.

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Physical Form Exploration through sketches and clay models : Understanding the adjective "SOFT"

Digital Form Exploration

Fixing on a form for rule based aggregations

Changing the form to improve symmetry and yield an aggregation that can be condensed into the domain at hand

Evolution and simplification of the new module to increase mobility and reduce manufacturing challenges

Chosen domain : A Game

Rules for creating module variations

The Fabrication!

Rules that govern the game

The Game in context! Thank you for your time.