
Faculty: Maulik Oza | Neel Jain

TA: Abhishek Sondarva

Materiality in Computational Design

In the rapidly evolving realm of computational design, a thorough understanding of materials is crucial. This studio plunges into the essence of materiality, with a keen focus on ceramics, bridging theoretical principles with hands-on practice seamlessly. Students will be adeptly familiarized with essential digital and analogue tools such as CNC machining and traditional moulding, fostering a well-rounded approach to material manipulation. Through a blend of in-studio work, hands-on model-making, and industry visits, students will hone their ability to select apt fabrication methods for varying design challenges, nurturing a design ethos centred on performance and optimization. A significant highlight of this course will be the creation of full-scale functional prototypes and mockups, epitomizing the practical application of learned principles. As the studio unfolds, students will not only grasp the profound essence of ceramics in computational design but also build a solid foundation for extending this expertise to other materials. This studio, thus, emerges as a cornerstone, paving the way for more complex design and fabrication explorations in subsequent semesters.

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Studio Unit

Characteristic forms: Evolving from sketches through clay to digital geometries

Rule-based aggregations: Design tailored to context needs

Hands-on learning: Iterative refinement of design and fabrication

Fabrication mastery: In-depth tuning of diverse techniques

Final projects: Merging tradition with modern innovation