
Faculty: Ranna Parikh

TA: Kamya Melwani

Playful Palette : Crafting Child Centric Spaces

The studio delves deep into the intricacies of creating spaces that are aesthetically pleasing and cater to the unique developmental needs of children. The Project will focus on forming spaces and furniture of an activity centre for the age group of 3 to 8 years.

Throughout the course, students will explore the fascinating realm of child psychology and behavior to inform their design decisions. They will learn to conceptualize innovative and age-appropriate solutions that foster engagement, and safety. The studio shall place significant emphasis on spatial planning, material selection, and furniture detailing, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary for responsible interior design.

Through a dynamic learning environment, students will refine their presentation and communication abilities to convey their design visions more effectively. Collaborative teamwork to understand the scale and anthropometrics, mirroring real-world design scenarios and channelizing holistic understanding of the design process.

For the assessment, students will develop and refine design proposals, demonstrating their grasp of child-centric design principles, material choices, furniture layout considerations, and sensitivities.

By the end, students will emerge with a profound appreciation for the impact of design on the lives of preschooler & school children, armed with the ability to craft environments that inspire and educate.

Studio Unit

Studio Unit Overview