Anshika Bhatt


MIMI - CO - A Child Centric Space

MIMI - CO is and child centric space which was designed for 6 - 8 years of age group. The site is located under the nehru bridge near riverfront road, besides Pantag hotel Ahmedabad, Gujarat.  The aim was to design a space where children can engage in play - way method of learning that helps in their overall development in the initial years. The Centre has been designed in such a way that for every activity there are different spaces with different themes, materials and colors that keeps child engage and increase their attention span. 

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Logo and Vision Poster

Concept and Program development

Cubby holes designed for 6 - 8 year old for learning children's furniture. Cubby holes drawing and 1:5 detailed prototype

Rendered Plan and Folded Elevations

Layout Plan and Sections

Flooring plan and Details

Electrical Drawing

Washroom Drawings

Isometric and 3d renders

Prototype 1:25 scale

Project Video