
Faculty: Parth Patel | Forum Shah

TA: Aparnaa C.

Space Between Buildings

Post-pandemic, cities have seen an increase in work-from-home culture. Real-life social interaction has decreased because of the introverted lifestyle. According to ‘Green and Blue Spaces and Mental Health: New evidence and Perspective for Action’, a report by World Health Organization, incidental contact streetscape greenery has also been associated with favorable health outcomes. The amount of social interaction, whether intentional or incidental, is directly linked to the mental well-being of the people. There is an unrealized demand for neighborhood-level socio-cultural spaces that most cities are facing. Spaces in-between buildings provide an opportunity to become such incidental spaces within the neighbourhood. Physical Planning of spaces between buildings influences patterns of activities, to create a better or worse environment for the community. The studio will focus on catalysing social interaction in spaces between buildings in varied urban fabric scenarios. The design interventions will imagine such spaces as a socially vibrant and active environment that becomes an extension of the everyday social life of residing people.

Studio Unit

Studio Brief and Schedule

Module 1: Site Study and Mapping

Module 2 and 3: Vision, Concept Formulation and Program Development

Developing design, narrative, and representative diagrams to communicate design ideas

Exploring material and construction details