Titas Bhowmick


Area Planning Studio: Shahpur Ward

The aim of the area planning studio was a ward planning exercise to vision and plan the ward in an effective and efficient manner which will cater the need of ward population after 20-30 years. Shahpur is situated on the eastern banks of Sabarmati and lies in the central zone of Ahmedabad. This ward is known as ‘Lohamandi’ (Iron market) of Ahmedabad. Nowadays several problems have cropped up in these age old small iron manufacturing units due to lack of space and high land price. So after analyzing the situation through primary and secondary survey we proposed suitable solutions.

Report Content

Introduction Of Shahpur Ward

Unique Identity Of Shahpur

Vision, Objectives and Projects

Small Manufacturing Enterprises: Existing Scenario

Backward and Forward Linkage

Manufacturing Link Chain & Valuation

Issues & Strategies

Proposal for Area Rezoning for manufacturing units

Design Strategies for the proposed area

Regulations and visual characteristics of the Proposed Zone