Pooja Premjyothi Sanjayan



The aim was to explore different aspects of planning through preparing a Ward Development plan of a municipal ward within the city of Ahmedabad. The vision for the ward is Diverse but well connected. One of the proposals to achieve the vision is to regulate the development of CBD and TOD Zone to avoid the monotonous ho-hum of high rise buildings wiping city's colorful diversity. Through the process of conservative surgery, potential redevelopment area is identified. Sensitive restoration and maximum retention are done in order to preserve the diversity and identity of the ward 'Shahpur'.

Report Content


Location, context and Evolution

Government proposals and What do people want?

Current Landuse & Proposed Landuse (Showing how diversity has been enhanced)

Present Industrial sectors in the ward and proposed consolidated Industrial hub

Present scenario - FSI and Population Density

Potential redevelopment of the ward

Regulations to achieve the vision

Regulations to achieve the vision

Consolidated plan and achieved vision