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  • Solving Last Mile and Last Person Issues in SP Stadium

Yash Sugandhi


Solving Last Mile and Last Person Issues in SP Stadium

The aim of the studio was to help us develop an understanding about the broad planning framework and for that we were allotted different wards with different characters. S.P. Stadium ward lies along the Ashram Road which is one of the major spines of the city and thus the whole area acts as a major transport corridor. The ward has huge potential for development in future as there are many government proposals which can change the ward drastically. Our focus was to prepare the ward to absorb this pressure and guide the development in a conducive way.

Report Content

1-Introduction & Characterstics of SP Stadium Ward

2-Preliminary Analysis of Ward

3-Preliminary Analysis of Ward


5-Last Mile Issues

6-Last Mile Proposals

7-Last Person Issues

8-Last Person Issues

9-Last Person Proposal

10-Consolidated Proposal