BE4050 - Directed Research Projects - By Yash Shukla
BE4050- Directed Research Projects
Faculty: Yash Shukla
Experimental Measurements of Clean Air Distribution Rates for various filters/ventilation configurations
To determine an optimized way of improving Indoor Air Quality in a single residential zone by finding an efficient combination of Ventilation and air cleaning system flow rates (known as Clean Air Distribution Rates or CADR). This will be achieved by conducting experiments to measure CADR performance with various filters and ventilation setups. The latest addition to ASHRAE standards, standard 241- “Control of infectious Aerosols” introduces the concept of resilience into acceptable indoor air quality standards. Requirements are given for an equivalent clean airflow rate in units of flow per occupant in a space (ECAi). The ECAi can be met by outdoor air and air-filtered recirculated air. This allows flexibility for compliance using combinations of controls that optimize factors such as energy use, cost, ease of availability, and IAQ.