
Faculty: Birva Joshi

Pedestrian facility design for transportation facilities

In urban areas proportion of pedestrians using transportation facilities such as foot paths, terminals and stops, or public spaces are very high. They also consist users with different age, physical abilities, purpose to use the facility and even mind set. With increasing population and demand for transportation, safe and efficient pedestrian circulation is a growing problem. Evaluation of existing facilities for safe, efficient and comfortable pedestrian circulation can help understanding factors which are affecting the operation and how design intervention can make the situation better for users. This research will include different facilities related to different transport services, for example train station, bus terminals or stations, road stretches with high concentration of pedestrians (such as commercial areas to near schools). This will produce and opportunity to understand different issues related to different kind of service and facility and also how guidelines and best practices across the world can help to improve facility design and as a result quality of pedestrian circulation.