
Faculty: Tushar Bose | Tapan Betai

Network Design for Water Systems

The studio focused on building the ability among the students to design fluid-based systems. The studio was divided into two phases. In phase one, the students were introduced to the principles of fluid mechanics. There were ten exercises in this phase. In each of these exercises, students experimentally tested the introduced principles either through lab-based projects or developed a working model based on the application of these principles. As a result, the students appreciated them in real-life applications. In the second phase of the studio, each student was required to design a fluid-based system of their choice. The guideline for choosing the project was based on their ability to evaluate pressure, velocity, and other system parameters both theoretically and through simulation models (or experimentally in some cases). This exercise aimed to develop the student’s ability to conceptualize a system with the given constraints. As a learning outcome of the studio the students conceptualized, designed, analyzed, and built fluid-based systems with the constraints of pressure, velocity, flow, etc.