
Faculty: Nikhil Dhar | Prasanna Mattikop

TA: Richa Shah

Routes of Landscape Design

The studio aims to reduce the fear of the empty page. It emphasizes free, joyful and creative
design exploration and innovation, as possible ways to explore design directions. The studio will
1. Study & Analysis: readings, films and case-studies introduce the students to methods and ideas
that connect to landscape design. These are used to create quick-and-dirty design options for
hypothetical sites. The approaches will be rated by the students based on certain criteria. 
2. Design or Research exploration: real-life sites will be studied and various design approaches
used or new ones created through innovative thinking to create designs on these sites. Details of
these designs will be worked out. Alternatively, Research questions will be examined, with
readings, films etc. Continuing throughout. 
3. Doing-Creation or Research: the students will be involved in creating physical models or crafting
research models and/or hypotheses.

Studio Unit

Routes of Landscape Design: An exploration of conceptual thinking in open space design

Creating quick design solutions using ideas/methods/theories from the readings and films

Self-evaluation of designs ‘pros’, ‘cons’, and ‘other possibilities’ using a Design Approach Matrix.

Analyzing final selected sites and finalizing design/research approach.

Choosing one, a combination, or creating their own approaches for a spatial design. Refinement and testing of research models