
Faculty: Vishwanath Kashikar

TA: Parita Upadhyaya

The Practice

Every design project in academia is a fresh beginning- a new tutor, a new site, a new program. In the profession, design practices formulate ideologies that affect all projects. This studio is an attempt to simulate architectural practice in academics. You will formulate an ideology based on multiple readings, visits to multiple offices, and in class discussions in the first 4 weeks of the studio. Three concurrent design projects will be introduced in the next stage- a 12 week self initiated project that has the potential to manifest your ideology, a 4 week project assigned by the tutor, designed to test your response to an unanticipated project, and a 2 week collaborative competition project between multiple practices. The studio will culminate in a website highlighting the vision, projects and structure of your architectural practice. Visit https:undefinedundefinedwww.thepracticecept.comundefined for more information regarding this studio.

Studio Unit

The studio is structured in 3 parts- 5 weeks to arrive at a value statement for their practice, 10 weeks for designing 2 buildings based on this value, and 1 week of reflection and modifications

students arrived at their value statements after book readings, office visit analysis and much soul searching!

Based on the value statement, students designed a design process that they felt did justice to their value

they then designed 2 projects based on this design process- a dream project of their choice and a client project that was common for all students