
Faculty: Hamid Raj | Rushika Khanna

TA: Jillkumar Patel

Vernacular Resurgence | Goa

India boasts of a variety of vernacular architecture intricately woven within their landscape settings; their ingenuity and response to the region's climatic conditions, use of locally available materials, skill sets, and technology is what stands the test of time, acting as living libraries. Its sophistication is a result of centuries of evolution.

The premise of the studio is to develop ‘a way of seeing’ that would enable students to decode and extract from the wisdom of the vernacular and be able to appropriately extrapolate from the vernacular keeping in mind its relevance in today’s time and the ever-changing lifestyle.

The studio proposes to identify, examine and design in these contexts which are laden with rich history.
The focus and challenges would be to personalize and customize spaces for individual needs and aspirations of a family, by designing a residence at an actual site within the vernacular settlement. The process would involve documentation and study to familiarize with the vernacular and gain insights in order to develop iterations of design.

Studio Unit

Documentation of Divar Island, Goa | Study of site settings and Immediate context

Documentation of Divar Island, Goa | Site study, plan and section of the Chapel facing site

Documentation of Divar Island, Goa | Site study, plan and section of the Khazan facing site

Documentation of Divar Island, Goa | Measured drawings

Design proposal: Residence in Divar Island, Goa | Design process and final designs