
Faculty: Mayur Bhalavi

TA: Raj Panchal

Design of Mechanical Objects

A studio centered around Mechanical Objects which delves into the "Why? How? What?" behind objects with movable components, exploring their vast potential for innovative applications.

From creating collapsible objects for space-saving or enhanced portability, automating tasks for optimizing effort and productivity, achieving adjustability, and even sculpting functional kinetic art pieces, students will discover the mechanisms that help materialize these ideas and more.

The methodology encompasses the fundamental theory of movements and mechanisms, digital CAD simulation of mechanisms and a making-centric design approach which will be helpful in designing a mechanical objects. Through a dynamic blend of research, experimentation, prototyping, and simulation, students gain hands-on experience in bringing their ideas to life. Example of a project topic: designing collapsible drawing board, or a portable pin-up board, or a stapler which can also punch a pair of hole on a paper for filing etc.

At the culmination of this course, students will be presenting both the physical models and digital representations of your meticulously designed mechanical objects and their ecosystem.

Studio Unit

Studio Panel

Brand Panel