
Faculty: Shreya Kaul

TA: Shaily Bhavsar

Live, Learn, Play: Child-Centred Urbanscapes

Children form an integral component of the city’s population, yet are the most vulnerable in urban environments. Addressing the topics of ‘spatial justice’ and ‘spatial inclusion’ is apposite to manifesting the voices of children in the process of building and navigating cities.
The aim of the studio is to incorporate the knowledge of Placemaking for investigating the design of Child-Friendly Cities. Examining the key principles of Placemaking — Design from Context, Design for Communities, and Design for Transformation — the students will propose urban interventions for a neighbourhood in Ahmedabad city. Investigating the public realm in the neighbourhood through the lens of children, the studio focuses on the integrated triad of ‘LIVE, LEARN, PLAY’. The degree of complexities during the study include i)examining the existing thresholds and accessibility built environments like buildings, streets, public spaces, etc., ii)exploring child-centred design solutions, and iii)proposing built interventions that address factors of health, safety, mobility, public infrastructure, etc. Documentation and analysis of the neighbourhood will be supported by workshops with children for co-designing and symbiotic learning engagements.