
Faculty: Nimesh Porwal

TA: Aarjavi Mehta

Architecture of Resilience

Public architecture within urban infrastructure hubs, driven by government initiatives & public-private partnerships, acts as pivotal hubs for social, cultural, & economic activities. The studio investigates inherent contingencies limited resources, shifting stakeholder interests, & evolving timelines—that impact architectural expression. In an era of constant change, a resilient, systematic approach becomes crucial for realizing infrastructure-driven projects.

The studio adopts a methodical three-part approach to address these challenges. The first part would deal with what kind of contingencies in architectural practice one encounters, viz. resource management, functional modifications by stakeholders, reduction in areas, contingencies about time, image building & change of architect, to mention a few. The second part deals with deciphering strategies of how architectural projects deal with such contingencies & their impact on architectural tectonics & its expression. This will also address the tools of architecture employed to support the strategies. The third part involves the application of the learning through a long project where students shall be tested to respond to unexpected contingencies at various stages of the project. Students must adapt & work with these challenges to develop a design that fits within the given framework of constraints.