
Faculty: Mehul Bhatt | Rajan Bhatt

TA: Vihar Sangani

Strange Details Focus: Constructing and Specifying

Architecture is perceived as an expression of an ideaundefinedconceptundefinedintention. But its manifestation is rooted in the realities of construction and nature of materials. The negotiations between these aspects result into some unique and some strange details of architecture that are communicated through drawings. This studio focuses on the processes of these negotiations and communications by taking students through a journey of evolving and communicating their own undefined#39;strangeundefined#39; details. The studio strongly believes in enabling the studentsundefined#39; knowledge and understanding of technology to evolve a poetic quality of architectural expression. The studio projects are designed such that the architectural grammar is derived from an informed and considered use of structural elements and materials, environmental responses and the issues of resources. Through these exercises students will understand how structural necessities are transformed into sculptural forms and the fundamental elements of the contextual environment inform the architectural tools to evolve ‘architectonic poetics’.

Student Projects