
Faculty: Balaji Rajasekaran

TA: Panthi Gondalia

The Studio Equilibria

Based in engineering sciences and appropriated by the design field, the potential of physical forces becoming an agency of design has been demonstrated in several Pioneering works over the last century by various legends like Antonio Gaudi, Frei Otto, Isler, Nervi, Dieste and Candela. Physical forces as an agency of design, the studio will follow the legacy of analogue computation, learning through making very many iterations, thinking through hands and pushing through digital modelling.

The Studio Equilibria is a ‘design and make’ based studio exploring form-finding through an understanding of systems in nature, form and forces. It explores the potential of Ferro-concrete beyond its application as a material, but as technique to facilitate the form-finding process.

The studio will also investigate ‘Light’ as a generator of spatial experience. The students will explore the correlation between light, form, force and material through an understanding of structural Geometries, resulting form, flow of forces, material property, and design development through interaction and engagement through making.

The final outcome of the studio will be to collectively design a pavilion structure as peer collaboration and build together a 1:1 prototype.

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Studio Unit

Studio Process

Exploration with Form-Finding

Design Idea - Conceptual Sketches

Individual Design - Yoga/Meditation Space

Collective Design and Built - 1:1 Prototypes