
Faculty: Manish Vadanere

TA: Aftab Pathan

Service Operations Management Studio

"Service organizations respond to the requirements of users to satisfy some needs and leave certain experiences in the minds of the users through a service delivery system. This studio addresse the operational and strategic aspects of managing service systems.
Service Operations Management (SOM) focused on how firms can deliver excellent service while achieving success. Current practice reveals a lack of widespread understanding of effective service management. This course takes the position that there is enormous potential to improve services. The studio was designed to equip students with the concepts and tools to do so. Students learnt to design distinctive and sustainable service strategies, to manage users and employees, to leverage data to enhance performance, and to reshape their organizations to suit evolving users’ needs and changing competitive landscapes. Students learnt different tools and techniques of operations and management in assessing the efficiency of urban services."

Studio Unit

The studio focuses on Service Operations Management of Urban Public Services, covering the study, research and finding solutions to improve service quality and design operations model for the service.

The studio started with understanding basic concepts, further studying Healthcare System in detail, exploring and understanding through surveys and structured interviews as well as using management tools for assessing gaps and working on solutions + proposals for the same.

This semester we focused on Urban Public Healthcare System in Ahmedabad by studying CHCs and PHCs in terms of its operations management and service quality.

Multiple guest lectures, site visits, surveys and more were the part of the process through which students came up with multiple proposals offering solutions.

Throughout the studio these 5 CHC + PHC were studied where we studied Chandkheda CHC with primary focus to improve service quality and parallelly propose new financial models and Wholistic Plans for growth and Efficiency and Improvement of Service.