
Faculty: Priya Narayanan | Ananya Parikh

TA: Somya Khandelwal

Break Free : Centre for Teen Expression

A glance at cities around us reveals a virtually non-existent allocation of public space for teenagers to come together to share experiences, express themselves and have uninhibited fun without unwritten social codes of the adult world governing their behavior. This studio questions the absence of such spaces in a country that has 253 million adolescents and offers an opportunity to design for teens, inquiring into their idea of fun and translating them into spatial experiences.
With the key question guiding explorations in this studio being, ‘What is a teenager’s definition of ‘fun’ and how can it be manifested in spaces they occupy?’ students will study 13-17-year-olds through interviews to decipher their unique worldview and aspirations. Discoveries from the interviews will inform the subsequent design of an after-school teen center with spaces for expression (performance or exhibition spaces), recreation (reading, movie watching, informal dancing etc.) and administration. With a focus on planning & organizing, students will be guided to respond to an existing architectural shell and develop an age-appropriate interior spatial language while adhering to functional & contextual requirements. In the process they grappled with scales, proportions, volumes, material palettes and aesthetics to develop fun interior spaces, elements and furniture for the teen user group.

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Studio Unit

Decoding the User (teens), Decoding the Site, Conducting Anthropometric Studies, Devising the Program, Studying Adjacencies

Decoding FUN, Exploring Extensions, Iterating Zoning and Interior Layouts

Developing an Interior Language through Volumetric Expressions, Interior Forms & Light Modulations, Choosing Material & Color Palette